The French colonized of Morocco. European counties would go in any outside state with only one perpous in mind, the original idea was in commerce, European countries always wanted more for themselves. European manufacturers sold their products through tradein North Africa. Morocco’s location lets it be the easyest to get goods thew sea. Morocco is only 15 km away from Europe, Spain. Spain, helped by Great Britan wanted to take over Morocco and they did. France wanted to take over Algeria and they did too. Countries like France and Spain where able to go into these poor, and undeveloped countries because they were simply more powerful and noone could tell them no or even why. After a while, France also came into Morocco but did not go there to take it over but rather to keep it under it's protection. The French kicked the Spanish and English out of Morocco and started to add Morocco's land to Algeri's because Algerias was theres and Morocco was not. Morocco declared it's independance on November 18th, 1956.
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