Monday, November 30, 2009

What could war possibly be like?

Written by: Hannah Amsterdam, THE NETHERLANDS
"When the Germans declared war on the Netherlands we were all very surprised. We had remained neutral during World War I, and had hoped to do the same this time. I was enlisted and stationed in the East of the country.My unit was instructed to place land mines in a field, which took us all day. Shortly after we were done, out of nowhere a herd of cows started walking onto the field. A farmer had apparently accidentally let them leave the neighbouring field. We couldn't allow the cows to walk any further: not only would they suffer painful deaths if they walked on the mines, but all our work would have been for nothing. So we were instructed to shoot the cows. We shot and killed many of them. Looking back it seems very pointless. But of course we didn't know that no German would be stopped by that field, or that we would never come face to face with German soldiers in combat.The next day the Germans bombed the city center of Rotterdam, completely destroying it and taking many lives. The Netherlands capitulated, so my days as a soldier were over. Shooting those cows was the only time I ever used my gun."

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What I learnd in class

Slave Resistance

· Turner Net evaded for two months before he was captured and slathered.

· Some families were sold separately.

· After Turner’s attack against whites, blacks could not get

o Education

o Private meetings

o Etc (something private without having a white person around)

· Harriet Dublin helped slaves escape to Canada for their freedom, passing from the Underground Railroad.

· Herriot Dublin was also a slave herself.

· There were bounty hunters that would capture slaves and bring them back to their owners. (this was a law)

· About 1,000 slaves were freed per year.

· Herriot Dublin went to Canada and back 19 times.

· Herriot Dublin, 1849, “If I can’t have liberty, then I shall have death. I will get one or the other”

· Herriot Dublin also served as a spy for the union of the northwestern troops.

· Herriot Dublin fought for the rights of women.

The Compromise of 1880

· The senate was going to till to the north because of California.

· Some people were speaking about susetion.

· The south said that they had no compromise to offer because the north had already banned slavery in some places.

· William Henry Stewart said that there should be a law above the constitution.

· The donamis bill was not accepted at the start, but then when it was broken down it became accepted.

· California was going to enter the union as a free state while Texas was going to enter the Union as a slave state.

· Runaways were not allowed a trial, but they were listened to. However the judgeless were being paid $10 if they found them guilty and only $5 if they found then not guilty.

Uncle tom’s Cabin

· 1852, There was a novel published by Harriet Bemor Stove called Uncle Tom’s cabin.

· In the North, people did not riley pay attention to slavery except in the government.

· The novel showed that slavery was cruel. It did not only do this by words, but it was also graphic.

· The novel became popular sky-high in the first week it was published. Exerts of it were also published on the newspaper.

· The southern journalist said that the novel represented a bunch of lies and the slaves were not treated well.

· The southerners also wrote many books to try and bring people back about slavery, but they were not very successful.

· In the first week there were 10,000 copies sold, in a year there were 300,000 sold, and after the civil war there were several million.

Kansas and Nebraska Act

· The rail road was an issue again between the north and the south. Because of different economic reasons the north wanted it to go one way while the south wanted it to go another.

· Nebraska was a place was in the past the whites and the Indians had agreed that it would be Indian Territory, but as usual the whites did what they desired and threw them out.

· The New bill repelled the Missouri compromise because with the new law there was going to be a slave state about the 36 degree latitude line, so the northern people were infuriated.

· Settler from the north and from the south went to these states to vote for weather or not it would be a free state.

· Bleeding Kansas refers to when people started destroying anything in their was because they were so mad about the issue of slavery.

· The nation was once again a little closer to was which I would personally even throw in inescapable.

Kim Burns

· He has an option on Mac.

· He began picture movie making and then he inputted in sound.

The Civil War

· It started in a farmer’s field. A shell landed into the owner’s kitchen, so he ran away.

· 2% of the population of the U.S. died in those four years of war.

· More American fell in that war then in all the previous wars combined.

· This was American killing Americans.

· 7,000 Americans fell in less than 20 minutes.

· There were machineguns and repeat shotguns that were never seen before.

· Abraham Lincoln would rise to become the greatest president America has seen.

· The war was about the birth of freedom.

· 1959 was the death of the oldest veteran, and his name was Walter Washington.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Why Did Europeans Import Slaves From Africa, Instead Of Enslaving Native Americans?

The Europeans tried to enslave the Native Americans, and they did. A disadvantage to this was that Native Americans would tend to easily die because of the European brought desires. So when they had to choose an alternative to this, they decide to turn to West Africa which had already booming slaves markets. The slaves were not expensive, and they were located on the coast which made it easier to transport because west was The Americas and north was Europe.

However Europe did not turn to countries like Morocco, Algeria, and many

Arab/Muslim countries because they were not open to slavery. Columbus wrote himself

about the troubles about enslaving the Native Americans. The Natives knew the lands

and had

relatives which were ready to help them anytime.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

SO I was thinking while coming home...

As I was coming from my farm to my normal hose, I noticed that there were many "things" wrong with the Moroccan roads that shoudn't be. Let me give an eample, one of our tires was flat out so we decided to go to the nearest city and have it fixed. The closest city at that time was berchid, and at about 10:00 PM we were gonna crach into a big circle that they have here, in all of Morroco, where cars coming from many different directions go around that circle and exit in the direction they disere. Now the problem with this was that there was nothing to indicate that there was a big giant circle of concrete in the middle of the road, and the silly thing is those were just addaded in that specific place so many people did not know about them.

When I finaly arrived at Casablanca, the city where my home is, I had to go to my aunt's hose to get my medical report for the school, so we went slowly and causly on the road. As we were getting neer to a turn, a motorcycle passed us even though we wern't gonna turn and turned. This rilly worried us because if my dirver was not aware that the guy had passed us and was intending to turn left we were going to crash into him, and the mistake would be our because we bumped into him.

As we approched the house I noticed that there were exesive amounts of speed bumps. In the past when I was in more civilized countries as Canda I never saw a single speed bump. I notice now that there are speed bumps everyware, and I think that the governemt thinks that this will reduce the speed which is wrong. The fact that a "crazy person" will go fast if there is a speed bump or not is true because he does not care about the car, he cared about the speed. And people who have a tendancy to move slowly will still move slowly.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sins of Islam, one might be making mistakes witout knowledge

visit this site for all information

Before you go on exploring this great site, I would like you to see the other sites that can help you understand more such as native deen. Just go on google or facebook and serch Native Deen.

Friday, November 13, 2009

The compromise of 1850 and the new presidency

The compromise of 1850 had a main goal, it was to level off the slave situation in the states. First California was entered as a free sate, while New Mexico and Utah were to be teratories that each decided for themselves wheather they were going to become free or slave states. The slave trade was to be taken off of district Columbia. With it came a fugitive slave act wich said that officers that did not arrest run away slaves were to pay a fine. It also went against the Missouri comprimise, and this infurated lost of people in the north. The terratories of Kansas and Nebraska to decide on their own weather they would allow slavery or not. This lead people to migrate there to win the election and decide. As people for slavery votes too many times, it was considered fraud and was not approved that they won.

When president Abraham Lincoln was elected, he ran a big danger because people were after his blood. Abraham's new nickname became "the rail splitter". He won the election in the democratic party in the election of 1860. There were now issues about braking away from the country, that existed even before then. It now became more urgent that war was neede, the civial war which started the next month after that.

Morocco as a growing country but with some wrong aspects

As you may have ready in my last post, Morocco is gorwing to become ultimatley a first world country, but as a well as this advancement is happening, I have a sad oppinion about this too.
Morocco is focusing too much on politics, internatinal affairs, ecology, economy, roads, the diving code, and many thing that have to still be changed, altered, replaced, or executed. The sad thing is that Morocco is not focusing on Education, sanitation, healthy food, and most importantly but equaly needed more than the other things Morocco is focusin on currently, poverty.

Morocco is a poor country for many reasons that I see, First, about half the people are not imployed and rely on others to take kare of their needs. There are poor people who just don't feel like working, and there are other that just can't find a job for just about any price, and there are other that are either too old or two young to work. The people are not incouraged by the governement to go to work. Insted the governemt is working on projects that of forein affairs, and trying to bring more companies in to morocco like Wana...! The governement is also working on a $ 9,000,000,000 project for building a solar power power plant which by the way does not help at all in any way the poor who can't find jobs, or are too old or too young to work.

Morocco is trying to improove the driving code, but I beleive that what (they) are not seeing is that the people (more than half is a very low approximation for this) are noteducated at all, so how could they even follow the one there is currently. People don't go to school because they are not incouraged to, their parents might have a farm or a small buissness like a sodering shop or something, and they would like it very well for their children to be a source of free labor without having to pay for school supplies or the school itself for most of these people.

If the governemt did their jobs, and there is a person in charge of each of the thing I metioned (if not then there should be, and the people currently in those posts should go to meetings not make a profit out of people but to actuly help them), then I beleive that this nation has the potetial to become a leading first world country way furthur in the future. This can't happen with the ideas of the current Moroccans (work to live, or not all just depend on people or bribes).

Sanitation is just one of the things that make Morocco a super country for becoming unhealthy. For example, the big, I mean enormous, dump down by "tarik Madiouna" is just filty. Tuns of garbage that could be recycled is just burned and evaporated into the air that we (me included) breath. I have to say that once my cloth we out in the rain (they were supposed to get some wind to be dired), and when the rain stopped and we got the cloth, they were as dark as dirt. There are also people living in that dump, as discusting as it is this is true. I have seen them coming out of their houses which are under a pille of garbage. Garbage that should be disposed of, recycled, re used, reduced (for example, the black plastic bags wich are by the way toxic), and disposed of in a different much cleaner maner. I say that Morocco should not make a $9,000,000,000 power plant that is ecofriendly, but rather use that money to fix this even bigger problem once and for all. The power plant that is supposidy going to help the climate change will only make the change slower, for that fuel that will not be used by Morocco will be used by other countries and will make no different what so ever ultimatley. But as for this garbage which probably polutes more than that fuel per year, it will continue to gorw and expand even furthur than it has, for the way that people think did not change. Another example that also goes into bad food, is the river of (excuse me if I say this) urin and pooe down from "Berchid" to about the begining of "tarik Madiouna". This filty water not only polutes, but is used by local farmers to water their plants, which I find absolutley under any degree or surcumteances what so ever discusting. I rily think that a drastic change much occur in this country.

I don't know if Moroccan officals are seeing the big picture here, if they are seeing outside the box and the world that they live, but one thing is for sure is that it does not seem like it. For example, when the rain can last winter I beleive (correct me if I'm wrong) Moroccan officals did not see the need for helping especialy farmer that had their houses destroyed, the roads fludded, but rather sat down and talked in parlement (I saw it on tv) about how this effected the growth in agriculture.

As a Moroccan that has seen and heard of the these things from people that I find very trustworthy, I say that Morocco is going in the correct direction, but with the wrong state of mind. I think something should be done about this... Morocco, I beleive in you, but please get on top of things. I only wish I could sit down with governemt officals to see a solution for this, but I am just a boy that goes to school well educated, that sees these things, and could only write about it in the hope of making a positive change. Go Morocco, Go Morocco, Go Morocco,...

Morocco goes green and healthy

Morocco hopes to be less dependent on foreign energy sources and protect the environment by making a huge solar power project.

It is the $9 billion project that hopes to create 2,000 MW by 2020, and would reduce the kingdom's reliance on imports of electricity, oil and gas. In 2007 this was 96% of Morocco's power, and this made Morocco a very unfrendly Kingdom with the enviorment.

The project is to be more ecofriendly; we hope to protect the environment and sease the climate change, according to Minister of Energy and Mining Amina Benkhadra, who presented the project on Monday November 2nd, this year.

"The project will reduce energy imports by saving the equivalent of a million tonnes of oil per year," said the minister, adding that it will "help protect the environment by cutting carbon dioxide emissions by 3.7 million tonnes annually".

The wanted capacity of 2,000 MW by 2020 will be the equivilant of 38% of the of the other three main power plants. This new power plant will be on a 10,000 hekter area.ers.

To be sertan that these goals will be achieved, the project will also consist of introducing solar energy programmes to colleges of engineering and universities. The project will as well train technicians to be ready for this big turn in Morocco's economy and realtion with the enviorment.The project is said to be financed by foreing private companies and the governemt.

Moroccan officials also say that the production will be of 5 kWh per square metre per day of solar radiation and 3,000 hours of sunshine per year, which will could make Morocco a more environmentally-friendly Morocco.

Morocco wants to get rid of the need for forien electricity, and to be a more inviormently firendly Kingdom.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I need some comments people

Please send any comments you might ever have, I am open to just about anything.

A compromise

A compromise is a settlement of differences in which each side makes concessions; something that combines qualities or elements of different things. This happens in daily life, and this can happen in politics, a student life, an adult life, and beleive it or not even in a teaneger's life. These compromises can happen between two boys, two men, two wimen, two girls, or even between a boy and a girl, but sometimes things just can't be compromised for a reason or another.

Here are some place where we just can give in at all:
  • When it goes against religious belifs
  • Where it goes against human rights
  • Where it goes against family or religious tradition
  • When I just don't want to say yes
  • When I am supirior and there fore don't need to comprimise
  • When I am feeling like this might hurt me in the future
  • Etc.
You see there are many reasons why people might say no to a compromise eventough we all make compromises everyday. Here are some personel examples
  • I will never have a tatoo
  • I will never smoke
  • I will never do something wrong that is permanent
  • I will never try to ruin my life
  • I will never use steriod
  • I will never do drugs except for cofee(yea its a drug and still leagal, how shoking is it not?)
  • I will never try to rip off someone
Now I will never do these things because they go against my religion. An adult might not do these same things because they would hurt him, or maybe also go against his religion or personel belifs. This is just to come and say that everyone is different, and that we can not comprimise everything in our lives. And we will not because we have brains to think with.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The story of the prophert (salla allaho alihi)

I know this great video made I beleive in 2004, that tells the story of Mohamed (s...). I saw this video at the Trent unerversity of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. It was the best simplest was I heard and actualy understood the story. Anyway, there is a copy of this wouderful movie on Youtube if you are interested; just go on Youtube and type: the story of Mohamed in a cartoon. There is a series to choose from, the one you should pick is the 10 minute one. Oh, and there is something else, you should continue to see the next one it will show you what part it is.

Have fun,

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Where I would live when I grow up

I am seriously planing on having a bachelor in human resources, a masters degree in information technology, and a P.H.D. in business. I believe that these will make me a fantastic business man that will travel around the world. I wish to make a lot of money and have fun during my life. I love to travel and wish not to stay in one place but in many countries. Of course my base country will be Morocco because of the family, friends, and memories. There will be three regions that I will live in the most, first in central Europe, Morocco, and in North America.

Translation of Islamic related words to English

ArabicEnglish Equivalent
Zul'QarnainTwo-Horned -Alexander
Al YashaElisha
YahyaJohn the Baptist
Muhammad, AhmedMahomed, Praised One
Sabah, BilqeesSheba