Monday, April 26, 2010

How Hollywood shapes our perspective of movies!

Lord of the rings

· The monsters are obviously the mean guys.

· The monsters try and rule the world which means that they are the mean guys.

· The monsters are directly attacking the humans therefore they are bad.

· The humans are simply human thus more accepted

· The humans try and defend their land and before they only do peaceful farming

· The humans do not have disfigured faces therefore we like them better

· The humans don’t fight for the purpose of killing but for the purpose of defending themselves.

· The humans don’t sound mean with their voice and their words; they don’t say mean things or have very low or very high voices that sound bad for the ere.

I don’t believe that people only believe that monsters are bad because of Hollywood. Instead, I believe that children are naturally afraid of what they don’t see in real life. Another example is when parents tell their children about the boy that lives next door and does bad things, just to get their own child to behave well etc... This relates directly to the Hollywood movies such as lord of the ring because what Hollywood is doing is showing people that there are monsters and that they can come and attack you. We are humans, so naturally, what Hollywood would make us see as being attacked by monsters is humans. We now know that this subject is not completely only for adults but also for older children. This doesn’t mean that Hollywood does not have anything about wars in store for kids. Hollywood’s Monsters vs. Aliens is another movie, but this time to prevent young children from being too scared and eventually getting traumatized by monsters, the monsters are being attacked by aliens. We can see again that the bad guys are the ones doing the attacking. One thing that Hollywood does for all of its movies to show who is the bad guy and who is the good guy is play with the music. Bad guys get music connoted to the bad guys and good guys get music for the good guys. Most of the time, the good guys are the ones in the front picture. Because Hollywood knows that people love the main character, usually a good guy or at least the one with the better reasoning, and that people will look at the casing before they watch the movie, they try to give a brief introduction to who the good guy, so to speak, is before the movie is usually witnessed.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Google Advanced Sereach

Everyone has to research but what everyone needs is a guide on where to get this research. There four main ways to find the information you need. First one can use a Google or other browser search such as Yahoo, Bing...etc My personnel advice would be to use those tools to get an idea or a topic. Some sites for this are Clusty, Social Issues, and Google Directory. These tools together can help you brainstorm ideas, brows topics, and search topics on Google. If you need to understand the capacity of your topic, using Intute and INFOMINE can help you look into explained academic sites and browse explained research and educational sites by second-tier "robot-selected" results. If need to investigate other or related topics, using Clusty and would be perfect. The last step is to filter and narrow your topic, and for this, you can use Clusty, SurfWax, or Wikipedia. Know I know that some people say that Wikipedia is a “bad” site and that it should not be trusted. Well, Wikipedia can hold good and correct information, but make sure to ferity and validate all the information given to you from it because anyone can, at any time, change anything her or she desires. You may be wondering what the sites that give quality results are. Here is list: ipl2, Virtual LRC, and Google Scholar are “authoritative and scholarly sites chosen by a subject expert.”

Sources and Experts, Ask a Librarian, and AllExperts are sites of “personal help from experts.” Google, Technorati, and are “sites ranked or tagged as valuable or relevant.” The best way to acquire information is through primary sources such as American Memory, Ready, 'Net, Go!, and Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web.


Using an advanced search is much more efficient then using a standard search. Take a look at the many options an advanced search provides:

It is also best to use more recent and still validated information because something might be discovered recently or more recently than the last time your other resources have been updated, and information would either be missing, incomplete, and/or incorrect.

Current – Occurring in or belonging to the present time

Relevant – Having a bearing on or connection with the subject at issue

Accurate – Conforming exactly, almost exactly to fact, or to a standard or performing with total accuracy

Credible – Appearing to merit belief or acceptance

Appropriate – Suitable for a particular person, place or condition etc

Bias – Influence in an unfair way

Friday, April 16, 2010

God is with me! SO MOM DONT WORRY

Dear Mom and Dad,

Late during the summer of 1914, train stations all over Europe echoed with the sound of leather boots and the smashing of weapons as millions of enthusiastic young soldiers, like me, assembled for the most glorious conflict since the Napoleonic Wars. In my eyes, pride and honour is all I care about. It has become a competition with the excitement of a wonderful adventure and knowledge. Within weeks however, horror and endless death was brought due to dangerous new machines which scattered corpses and wreckage. This new Great War is called World War 1. Starting in Southern Europe, the war, in time, spread into a global issue. The conflict took place mostly in Belgium and France. The new technology was machine guns, airplanes, tanks, chemical warfare, and grenades. Because of technological advancements at this time in history warfare was changed because the much more efficient weapons made it much easier to kill the enemy and eliminated chivalry. Because of these new advancements such as tanks, machine guns and lethal gasses such as mustard gas casualties were much higher and trench warfare was introduced to keep soldiers safe while not in combat due to the ability to kill enemies from long distances. We were soon realized that the Germans were not the only enemy. The winter of 1916 was the worst for me. Living in trenches was caused nearly as many deaths as the fighting. We only had two blankets each and had to sleep as close as possible to one another just to survive, but not it all changed. Reinforcements from the Allied powers came and my trench was one of the most fortunate. This past winter was so cold that soldiers became blocks of ice, and we would wake up after a few hours sleep to find our eyelids frozen shut. My feet once swelled to three times their normal size because I was standing for a week in water up to my knees, but we had no choice, we had to continue. I’m currently fighting in the Somme, but currently the shooting stopped. This place was named after the river flowing here. Some describe it as “a place so terrible that a raving lunatic could never have imagined it”. Here is my second area I fight in. In one day alone our army lost 60,000 soldiers.

You see the last part of this letter consist on telling you that I love you. You can be afraid for me, that the enemy will snipe me or something, but don’t forget that God exists and that I pray every day for him to keep me alive. When my time comes it will come, and no bullet can change that. Thus have no fear I’m just around the corner. See you after the War, I’m fighting till the very end for what I know as I fact is right.

L’v U! From your little Slaoui, Mohamed Slaoui