Morocco has changed a lot during the last ten years. It’s leaders are beginig to care for it, and we can notice a change. A university professer once told my uncle that to see that a country is in the procces of a revolution one must first look at the public places. Are there guardens? Are there public bath rooms? What is provided for the people like roads, railways, communication, etc… We must see what the country is investing it’s money on. A small example of this would be when a dad gives his son 100DH. If the son spends it all on games, then he is not investing his money well, but if he buyes a healthy drink for 20DH, eats something healthy for 30DH, buys a book for 15DH, keeps in his pocket 5DH, and plays video games with 30DH, then he is a good boy that knew how to invest his money. This is the same for countries because they must also invest their money and they can invest it in just playing, building big buildings, building castles, etc…, or they can invest it in their people that way they can get something back because a castle gives nothing back it only demands more.
The middle east countries are not doing very good investments with their money. Because they have petroleum and gain a lot of money, they spend 100Billion dollars on a caslte and none on research for improvement. They could have spent 1Billion dollars on a castle and 99Billion dolars or resarch for improving their medical systems, getting new medicin that they do not have, ect…
Morocco is not a very wealthy country, but it has a very good strategical location. It is the door to Africa from Europe and the door of Europe from Africa. It is 15Km away from spain. It has many advantages, one that is its beloved king, King Mohamed 6, a man that truly has a vision for this country. Although he is the chief of it all, he cannot do this by himself because there are people that just want money for their own benefit. Never the less, we can see that Morocco has started its revoloution. It is being revolutionized in a positive way. We can see this through public spaces, transportation, communication, farming, industry, and relations.
If you walk down a more Moroccan treat were people are rather not wealthy, you will find some garbage on the floor, and some kids playing soccer with a ball of a diameter of 5cm (very small). You will also see some house wives cleaning up that mess, and telling the kids to clear the path for any passing cars. These people are trying to be clean although the government is not providing for them the best ways to do so because they are not the priority, but I think they are trying to be clean because they don’t want to be seen as a messy or unclean part of Morocco. What I have noticed in Moroccans is that they do not let anyone open their mouth at them, and they will do anything not to be criticized. These people have extened families that might be wealthy, and they will not want to be seen as unclean. Another point is that they notice that Morocco is a growing country and that it has started its revolution, so they don’t want to be seen as someone that holds this country back.
Now if you go to a rather cleaner area, you will see that there are public water closets, guardens, trees full of fruit, and nice people. You will find nice people because that garden is known to have nice people. This is another issue there is. The issue that there are different social classes in many ways, me and you could or could not end up in some the following different ways of social classes to together, by how clean you are, by how rich you are, by how polite you are, by how much you are related to the royal family, by how you are dressed, by where you spend your weekends and holydays, and many more. If you do not understand me then let me give you an example. I have a farm by Settat city and by my farm there is a big cement factory. There is a farmer that had 5 hekters of land by that cement factory. This company offered this farmer, that never got 500 dirhams all at once in his pocket, 2 billion dirhams for that piece of land and now he is super rich. That famrmer is ungly, not well dressed, not polite, does not anywhere during his vacations and all this even after he got rich. Now this farmer would not fit in the social class of a person that goes to that garden, and someone that is not rich but is polite would fit in perfectly with other rich people. This is a true story. Now we can see that there are social classes which is a sign of a revolution.
There are now three big comunication companies. These big companies are competing in Morocco to sell their communications. With compition, people lower their prices, give more services, and provide better products. This is only one example of compition in Morocco. Others are like banks and Internet. It is said that we will have the subway in Morocco and TGV. These two diffenrent train will lower the costs and quicken the procces of going to either long distances with the TGV or short distances with the subway which will most likely be connected with the trains.
Morocco is doing lots of export with other countries and has international relations. Moroccans export a bit of what they industrialize and their farming goods. Morocco pays up to 60% of any machines farmers buy to help them grow better, faster, and needed goods. Morocco also pays up to 100% of the drop system to any farmer that wants to implement it in his farming. Morocco is making good investment in its people and it is time that they also start to see the European farmers as people to look up to.
Morocco is revolutionizing.
Fear and Firing of Mandated Reporters (KARA podcast)
16 hours ago