Since President Obama is talked about this, I talked with my father about it too, and we came to some personal conclusions. We both went our separate ways, so here’s my side of the story. In a big study done by the World Health Organization in the year 2000, it is illustrated that the United States was 37th on the list in terms of health care. Despite what other stubborn people might think the ranking is pretty accurate even considering sources of error, and there are those who would testify to the belief of a lesser tanking. One must keep in mind that the majority of western European countries are better in healthcare than the US. . For instance, France is rated #1. Never the less, other countries such as Singapore, Colombia, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Morocco also rank better US. . Other countries such as Italy, Spain, Austria, and Norway also are on the upper part of the long list and most of them are in the top ten.
Yes, I believe that the efforts made by the people of the United States should be carried through so that the United States moves closer and closer towards socialized health care. Why am I saying this? Well let’s ask ourselves: Do the countries motioned above, having great healthcare systems, have socialized health care? The answer is yes. Doctors in the United States suggest that the people who are less fortunate should not receive the same level of health care as the ones who are fortunate. These are the actions of greedy people. As a citizen of the United States one should reflect on whether or not these people should be allowed to dictate who gets the best health care. Are you going to throw away your money to healthcare insurances and doctors when you could have it for free, when it is your write to have it if you should choose to? Even if the company you work for pays for it, it is still coming out of your pockets, only indirectly. Your salary could be higher if your employers did not have to pay for your healthcare. Change there must be. Take action because it is my write.